Indonesian Religious Comedy Drama Film Jomblo Fi Sabilillah Raises the Issue of Marriage Without Dating in a Subtle and Modest Manner

  • Ely Dagher
  • Sep 07, 2023
Jomblo Fi Sabilillah

Indonesian Religious Comedy Drama Film Jomblo Fi Sabilillah

Warna Pictures is producing its fourth film in September 2023. you can watch this religious comedy film in mid-September. The cast started filming not long ago and only started in November 2022. The process was so fast, it only took less than a year.

This was all possible because of the support of the cast who were able to deliver a neat scenario from Jastis Arimba, Hayati Ayatillah, and Asma Nadia. The story of this film even comes from the best-selling book by Islamic writer sisters Asma Nadia and Helvy Tiana Rosa.

People have been eagerly waiting for the characters of Ali, Yusuf, Imron, Anton, Annisa to become real on the big screen. Jastis Arimba, even when he was writing the scenario, had already imagined who the cast members would be whose acting and emotions the audience would enjoy.

There is a strong message they want to convey in this film which also has Jastis Arimba as the director. The friendship of young single men who fear God are best to each other without demeaning and they are supporting each other.

This film also highlights the issue of marriage without dating and brings together fellow single friends who are struggling in the path of Allah or ‘Jomblo Fi Sabilillah’. But all the stories are in a cheerful comedy package.

Before watching this film, it would be a good idea for you to read the following synopsis.

Jomblo Fi Sabilillah Synopsis

This film tells us the story of the friendship of 4 single men who are ‘Jomblo Fi Sabilillah’. In Islam we know Jihad Fi Sabilillah where as muslims we fight in the way of Allah.

Meanwhile, this film will highlight the struggle of single muslim men who want to always do what Allah blesses with a strong will that is equivalent to Jihad. It’s not easy to be a single man when our friends of our age are actually enjoying dating, feeling heartbroken, and having to heal with friends in arms, going on double dates to the cinema, fine dining, and so on.

Apart from that, social pressure is currently so strong that if you don’t have a girlfriend, it will be difficult to find a proper partner to marry and the urge from within becomes even stronger. For a single person, Fi Sabilillah, this is a form of test that sometimes he cannot face alone. He needs closest friends on the same frequency who give the best support and are not misleading.

The film centers on 30-years-old Ali. He has never dated at all. He also doesn’t have any close female friends. Apart from that, Ali also suffers from a phobia which is quite disturbing. Venustraphobia affected Ali quite badly. Ali can panic and be so afraid that he faints when he meets a woman. This is quite a torturous situation for Ali because his father, Babe Hasan, has forced him to get married within a month.

His father was very worried that his only son couldn’t fall in love with a woman and had a sexual disorder. Moreover, there are LGBT issues that are quite widespread in modern life. Ali then asks his fellow single closest friends for help to guide him in finding a soul mate.

During their time as Jomblo Fi Sabilillah, Yusuf, Imron, Anton and Ali always manage to take good care of themselves so that they don’t end up dating, let alone not being married. Meanwhile, Yusuf is also trying hard for his own love. Then he also persuades Anton and Imron to help Ali in various ways in meeting his future life partner despite his disturbing venustraphobia.

Yusuf himself already has a girl he loves, whom he has admired for the last ten years. Meanwhile, Ali has met many from various backgrounds. One of the things that connected his heart is Annisa, who apparently had something to do with the trauma that Ali got.

So, what is the end of the story of finding potential partners for these Jomblo Fi Sabilillah? You can find the answer by watching it in cinemas starting September 14.

Brand New Cast and the Seniors

This film received full support from a number of well-known producers such as Oki Setiana Dewi, Ustad Erick Yusuf, Asma Nadia and Helvy Tiana Rosa. Meanwhile, director Jastis Arimba also wrote the scenario with the owner of the story idea.

Then the cast who took part in making this film are those who have a high fighting spirit in carrying out their religious obligations well. They are new young stars who have a vision and mission to create peace in the world with a beautiful and graceful Islam.

The young cast members are Adhin Abdul Hakim as Ali, Ricky Harun as Yusuf, Mario Irwinsyah as Anton, Masaji Wijayanto as Imron, Nabilah Ayu eks JKT48 as Annisa, Indah Nada Puspita, Dayu Wijanto, and Zyeda Mattersyd. The film also features senior cast such as Dewi Yull who successfully guides her children to brilliant success and Humaidi Abas as Babe Hasan.

Anyone who watches this film will definitely get fresh entertainment with good comedy spices, and of course inspiration that is rich in life values.

Official Trailer

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