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Kameleoon in-depth review

In-depth review of the Kameleoon platform

July 7, 2021
Reading time: 
20 mins
Soumik Roy portrait
Soumik Roy
Business and Enterprise Technology Journalist and Editor

1 What is Kameleoon?

Kameleoon is a secure, fast, and powerful web and server-side A/B/n testing and personalization platform. 

It's best designed for mid-sized to enterprise companies with existing optimization or personalization programs aiming to add a secure, feature-rich, and easy-to-use solution to their martech stack. Many companies also accelerate the impact of their A/B testing and personalization programs by bringing in Kameleoon.

Kameleoon gives marketers, developers, and product managers a powerful tool to help brands build impactful customer experience optimization programs.
Ben Labay
Ben Labay
Managing Director

Due to Kameleoon's emphasis on data security and privacy, and with no limitations on the number of variations, testing traffic size, targeting, segmentation, or KPIs, the platform is popular with e-commerce, financial services, healthcare, media, and travel companies .

Founded in 2012, Kameleoon was featured in Forrester's 2020 Q4 Wave for Experience Optimization Platforms report as a “challenger” to Optimizely, Adobe Target and legacy tools.

Headquartered in Paris, the company now has offices in New York, Vancouver, London, Berlin, Milan, Moscow and Bangkok - allowing it to offer “follow the sun” or round-the-clock customer support and services.

2 What problems does Kameleoon solve?

Midsize and enterprise companies that practice conversion rate optimization, A / B / n testing, experimentation, feature management, and personalization rely on Kameleoon's technology. They use it to ensure their digital experiences are satisfying their customers faster and better than their competitors.

Kameleoon is one platform with three solutions for all teams.

Companies can choose one, all, or a combination of Kameleoon's three solutions:

  • A / B / n Testing
  • AI-powered Personalization
  • Full Stack Feature Experimentation & Management

Unlimited A / B / n testing

Easily optimize UX without engineers. Kameleoon offers intuitive A / B / n testing features with baked-in KPIs and segments allowing marketers to set up tests with just a few clicks. It also features a robust simulation and QA mode and widget library which help teams accelerate their A / B / n testing velocity.



Kameleoon is by far the most fully-featured A/B testing tool.
Larissa Enright
Larissa Enright
Head of E-Commerce
The wine collective

Fast and accurate data reporting. Kameleoon's script is flicker-free and twice as fast as any of its competitors no matter the number of tests and variants. Data is reported in real-time with a dashboard that clearly shows how A / B tests are performing against strategic and tactical KPIs.

The customer will have a better experience with no flickering, and all the data is perfectly sent to the back office for analysis.
Leslie Anne
Leslie Anne Feuillan
Communication and Site Manager

Makes developers' lives easy. Kameleoon offers dedicated developer tools, server-side and mobile SDKs, and hybrid testing capabilities to ensure they can work in their agile ecosystems to deploy experiments straight from their coding environment. Easily code A / B tests in an editor or with Git and Visual Studio .

AI-powered personalization with built-in segmentation capabilities

Intelligent, purpose-driven segmentation. Kameleoon has native criteria tabled into groups such as behavioral, psychographic, demographic and geographic, which makes capturing “hot data” easy. The platform also enables customers to import custom data (cold data) with just a few clicks. Weaving hot and cold data together, customers can fine-tune their segments and deliver brilliant 1: 1 experiences.

AI-powered conversion prediction. Kameleoon uses machine learning to predict each visitor's purchase or engagement intention in real-time. The solution discovers correlations that lead to visitors converting and delivers messaging and experiences at the right moment in the funnel to nurture goal accomplishment for all.

Integrated with custom data from your martech stack. Kameleoon offers several integrations that allow it to quickly share data, leverage analysis tools, and become part of martech stacks used by clients across industries. Integration with customer data platforms (CDP), Segment, and Tealium, for example, enable brands to target highly defined customer groups.


Martech stack


Full stack: server-side experimentation, hybrid testing, and feature management

Experiment and personalize functions and features. Experiment beyond UX. Test and then personalize product recommendations, search algorithms, subscription models, or any other feature or function on your website or mobile app. SDKs await.

Web and app

Server-side code, capture data on the client-side. The platform's full-stack solution makes it possible to build and deploy experiments server-side for maximum control, while natively tracking client-side data through its reporting dashboard.

“Kameleoon enables hybrid experimentation through a single platform that delivers real benefits to our business,” says Adrien Agripnidis, CIO of furniture retailer Eminza.

Hybrid Code

Feature experimentation meets feature management. Not happy with how a feature on your mobile app or website is performing with a specific customer segment? Toggle off the feature and roll back instantly. Better yet, test specific features with target customers and roll out more broadly with confidence. Track performance in real time with Kameleoon or your third-party analytics tool client-side.

roll out

3 What makes Kameleoon different from other A / B testing and personalization solutions?

In addition to unlimited A / B / n testing, full-stack feature experimentation and management, and AI-powered personalization, many brands choose Kameleoon because of its performance, commitment to data security, and ability to help teams of any type build powerful optimization programs. It's also fairly priced.

Read how we compare to other platforms

Is Google Optimize 360 or Kameleoon right for your business?

Why enterprise brands are choosing Kameleoon over Optimizely

4 reasons why advanced programs choose Kameleoon over VWO

Fast, flicker-free, real-time performance

“Kameleoon is easy to use, works in all environments, and has less impact on page load,” says Peter Ernst, Providence's Digital Innovation Group Senior Optimization Manager.

Kameleoon’s script is flicker-free. Users are guaranteed to not see the control before seeing the variation. 1 No latency, no server calls. Asynchronous calls make sure that the page being requested isn’t shown to the customer until it is completely loaded. Kameleoon’s unique architecture works well in complex web caching environments.

Kameleoon processes visitor data in real-time. Kameleoon collects, structures, and keeps a history log of more than 45 criteria in real-time in the browser’s Local Storage. No extra server calls are needed to retrieve the data necessary to segment your audience and trigger real-time personalization. It also allows users to run AI scoring calculations directly from the browser.

When speed matters, Kameleoon delivers. At 30.7 KB, Kameleoon's TypeScript engine delivers a higher load for its clients' websites and is still twice as fast as competing solutions.

More than 100 worldwide relay points. The Kameleoon Content Delivery Network (CDN) automatically routes tests, personalizations, and experiences via the closest CDN to serve visitors in real-time, wherever they are.

Focused on data security and privacy

Kameleoon is HIPAA compliant. Kameleoon complies with all HIPAA regulations and enters into Business Associate (BA) agreements to help healthcare brands meet any regulatory requirement. Learn more here.

Kameleoon is 100% cookie-free. Using cookies for A / B / n testing is not only technically inefficient but also raises several data security and privacy concerns. That's why Kameleoon uses Local Storage, which is basically a data store in the browser with more storage capacity and better security. Learn more here.


Kameleoon does not collect or process any personally identifiable data. In accordance with GDPR and CCPA, any personal data shared by the client is processed according to regulations, user consent, and client instruction. Learn more about Kameleoon's GDPR compliance .

Give and gain consent easily. Kameleoon's consent management feature helps financial services companies seamlessly gain customer approval for any type of A/B/n tests and personalizations carried out.

Unaffected by Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP). Kameleoon makes sure you can still use your data to experiment and personalize while fully complying with ITP 2.3.

Data is stored in data centers in the US, Europe, and Asia. The global network guarantees that data will be processed in compliance with local legislation such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA. Learn more about Kameleoon’s focus on data privacy and security.

Works well on SPA and advanced websites

“Kameleoon understands SPA websites better,” says Fletcher Young, Product Manager at Thortful.

Strong documentation and experience with SPA sites. A/B/n test without reloading pages. Kameleoon has dedicated APIs, documentation, and experience supporting sites built using Single Page Applications (SPAs). Kameleoon supports A/B/n testing on SPA and advanced sites using React, Angular, or any other dynamic JavaScript frameworks with its dedicated API. Learn more here.

Native cross-domain tracking and experimentation. With a unique technology based on a tiny iframe hosted on the customer's main domain, Kameleoon, without any performance impact, natively removes any constraint related to multiple-domain websites. Learn more here.

History reconciliation on cross-device. Kameleoon has the ability to merge history and actions made from visits on different devices , if the user responsible for those visits is the same. Learn more here.

Fits with your martech and tech stack

Integrations with the largest martech solutions. Easily connect your customer data platforms, analytics and UX analytics tools with Kameleoon. Key integrations allow customers to:

Leverage customer data to create highly targeted segments

  • ShopifyPlus
  • Tealium
  • Salesforce Audience Studio
  • Segment


Analyze how a test and personalization affected customer behavior

  • Hotjar
  • ContentSquare
  • Mixpanel
  • Heap
  • FullStory


Work in your environment

  • Chrome extension
  • Git
  • Microsoft Visual Studio


See the entire library of Kameleoon integrations .

Or, build custom integrations in a day. Build an integration with any third-party application using the Kameleoon Custom Data Bridge. Our public APIs and documentation enable limitless app-to-app creation. Or, use our integration with Zapier.

A simulate and QA mode that builds stakeholder buy-in

Before launch, users can simulate exactly how an A/B test or personalization will look and function—on any device—according to a specific visitor segment based on targeting conditions. Perfect for quality assurance (QA).



Share an A/B test with colleagues to easily get approval. Click “share” and pass around a URL that allows your colleagues to see how a test or personalization will work. No login needed.

“The personalization and A/B testing editor worked well and it was also very easy to preview each experiment before launching it,” says Ismael S on G2.

AI that is designed to convert

Automatically discover who and what will help your site grow. Kameleoon Predict™ AI enables marketers to measure visitors’ purchase intention and individualize messages, content and offers in real time.

Using a Conversion Score™, Kameleoon identifies the optimal target for a marketing action and delivers the experience with the statistically highest chance of facilitating a goal. Examples include:

  • At the right time or on a given page, trigger urgency messages, discounts or social proof.
  • Personalize the homepage, funnels, landing pages, forms, or products for returning or new visitors.
  • Improve online advertising performance by retargeting only the population that has been identified as being tempted by an offer.

Rich developer documentation and customer support

Kameleoon's rich documentation provides support to not just developers but also marketers and product owners.

Developer Documentation


Technical and customer support from A / B test experts. From dedicated Slack channels to full-day training sessions, Kameleoon support teams are experienced optimizers and personalization experts.

“Partnering with a platform with knowledgeable experts who are technical and CRO like-minded was very important,” says Larissa Enright from The Wine Collective.

Easy to install

Installing Kameleoon is simple. Once signed up, customers can log in to their account and download a JavaScript snippet unique to their company / brand client-side or via SDK server-side. After the code is added to the header section of the website (s) or the SDK is installed in the developer's language, teams are ready to begin A / B testing and personalizing digital experiences.

Clients can also install the Kameleoon snippet via a tag manager (GTM, TagCo, etc). Learn more about Kameleoon's implementation using Tag Manager Systems here .

Security-conscious organizations have flexible deployment options. With various deployment options including on-premise options, single-tenant cloud installations, Kameleoon is perfect for organizations that have high-security standards.

Easily launch Kameleoon on any major CMS. If your store is on Shopify or Wordpress, for example, you'll be able to add the platform in a few clicks thanks to the numerous integrations Kameleoon offers.

Kameleoon doesn't have a credit system or place limits on the number of users, variations, or subdomains. There's also no limit to the number of tests or variations that can be run or the size of traffic that customers can test on. Customers don't need to buy or swap credits to run complex tests or worry about rolling out a winning test to 100% of their traffic.

An annual license is fixed based on the last year's average number of monthly unique visitors. Even if your traffic doubles the day after signing up with Kameleoon, you won't pay extra until the end of the year. Any increases are based on the previous 12-month average. Annual license fees start at $ 35,000.

4 What kind of teams and brands is Kameleoon best for?

Marketers who want to optimize with or without DEV support

Optimize any page, digital campaign, or customer journey on any device or channel.

Big optimizations with no coding experience needed. Test and personalize copy, CTAs , forms, marketing campaigns, and imagery without IT or engineering. Resize, add, slide, and adjust all page elements with the smart graphic editor.

Graphic Editor

“With Kameleoon I can launch many impactful tests and expose them to all users. I'm no longer dependent on my production roadmap and I am independent from our IT team, ”says Delphine F. on TrustRadius.

Build A / B tests that work across multiple pages. From the top of the funnel to the final click, you can create, simulate , and test entire customer journeys.

Offer personalized experiences to customers. Increase visitor engagement, online conversion rates, and revenues by serving relevant messaging, products and services at the right time with Kameleoon Predict™ AI.

Product owners who want to validate features based on customer data

Feature experimentation meets feature management. Test feature variants with targeted segments. Once validated, roll out (or roll back) features to a larger audience.

feature flagging


Unlimited server-side testing and client-side reporting capabilities. Kameleoon’s platform allows product owners to build their A/B/n tests server-side and collect performance metrics client-side.

Roll out features or entire redesigns with confidence. Using feature flags, product owners can track customer response to new features, in real-time, by plotting deployment metrics and KPIs on live dashboards.

roll out


Developers who want to work in their environment with their SDK and code

Dedicated developer tools. Kameleoon allows developers to plug Kameleoon into their GIT account and synchronize their code with MS Visual Studio and a custom Chrome extension.

Mobile and server-side SDKs. Developers can run A / B / n tests and personalizations server-side, manage features with agility, and gradually roll out or roll back features on websites and mobile apps with just a few clicks.

Hybrid testing capabilities with server-side experiments and client-side data. Kameleoon allows developers to build their A/B/n tests server-side and track events client-side. Save time and minimize effort by sharing the same platform and reporting for both client and server-side tests.

Work in all environments. Kameleoon’s unique architecture works well in complex web caching environments. No latency, no server calls.

Brands looking to build a culture of experimentation, where insights (not just wins) are rewarded

Easily build a testing roadmap and share results with Kameleoon dashboards. In addition to intuitive features that help users achieve conversion, growth and revenue goals, Kameleoon gives clients reporting tools that make it easy to see the work and results of all users and teams across an organization.

How much traffic you need depends on your business and average conversion rate. In B2B where conversion rates are usually high (over 5%), Kameleoon makes sense with traffic as low as 10,000 monthly Unique Visitors. B2C brands, however, should ideally have a minimum of 75,000 monthly unique visitors.

5 What analysts and customers say about Kameleoon

Awards and recognition by Forrester, G2, and TrustRadius

Forrester Research names Kameleoon “a challenger”. Forrester selected Kameleoon as a vendor in The Forrester Wave™: Experience Optimization Platforms - Q4 2020 report.

Best Feature Set and Best Customer Support Awards. In 2021, Kameleoon won multiple awards from G2 in the A/B Testing category.

A leader in A/B Testing and Personalization according to TrustRadius. Kameleoon won TrustRadius awards in the High Performer in A/B Testing and Leader in Personalization Software categories in 2021.

Demonstrable ROI

According to Forrester’s Total Economic Impact of Kameleoon (TEI) report, the platform delivers a 291% return on investment, a 15% conversion rate improvement, and a 30% increase in cross-sales. Read more here.

“We've been working with the solution for more than a year now and we've had a great ROI. Overall, it's a strong optimization platform both quite simple to use and feature-rich, ”says Julien Nouet , omnichannel platform business lead for the luxury group, Kering.

Where is Kameleoon not the best fit?

Not best suited to very small businesses or those only looking for landing page optimization. Kameleoon is best-suited to companies who intend to go beyond “quick wins” and want a high-performing, feature-rich platform that can scale to meet their optimization and personalization needs.

Not for companies with suites like Adobe Experience Cloud (Adobe Target). Kameleoon is an excellent “stack” choice, as it integrates with any major martech tool.

Not for no-code testing on mobile apps. While Kameleoon handles A / B testing on mobile apps, it does so with its Full Stack, server-side solution. It does not believe that no-code technologies are reliable enough to run professional testing on apps.

6 Which industries and business models does Kameleoon help the most?

With over 10 years of international optimization and personalization experience, Kameleoon is familiar with the challenges and opportunities of every industry and business model.

From its smart graphic editor and advanced Simulate Mode to its server-side SDKs, Kameleoon's A / B Testing, Full Stack Feature Management, and Personalization solutions come ready to power every type of team.

E-commerce brands can build customer relationships along with higher sales

Maximize checkout and prevent cart abandonment. Users can optimize every step of the checkout funnel with A / B / n testing and personalization. Over 40+ native targeting criteria allow retailers to easily segment audiences based on behavior, location, or custom data. With Kameleoon AI, retailers can measure the purchase intention of shoppers in real-time and trigger the right actions to convert visitors into buyers.

Healthcare and wellness brands have a HIPAA-compliant solution to help them better connect patients to practitioners

Kameleoon is HIPAA compliant. With its advanced security protocols and features, Kameleoon satisfies the toughest healthcare procurement requirements and enters into HIPAA Business Associate (BA) agreements wherever required. Learn more about Kameleoon's HIPAA compliance.

Flexible user consent management. The platform's flexible user-consent management features ensure that every test or personalization adheres to the organization's user consent policy.

Banks and insurance companies have an ally in compliance and optimization

Optimize UX without IT while maintaining the highest data security standards. With advanced security policies, Kameleoon satisfies the toughest procurement requirements. Plus, no coding needed to make important and urgent UX changes.

Easily get approval of tests and personalizations before they go live. Kameleoon’s simulate mode helps banks and insurance companies quickly share how tests and personalizations will look and function with multiple stakeholders.

Media and entertainment players can convert subscribers

Fast, accurate, and made to convert for high traffic. Kameleoon helps you capture fleeting eyeballs with a guaranteed flicker-free script that is twice as fast as competing solutions. Analyze data in real time.

AI-powered personalization knows which piece of content works best. Kameleoon Predict™ AI helps you know when and what message, content, or experience will deepen reader engagement. Optimize ad campaigns and acquisition channels with analytics tools easily.

Automakers drive qualified leads to dealerships

Send dealers more qualified leads, faster with AI. Kameleoon has proven expertise in helping automakers like Toyota identify buyers with the desire and ability to purchase a car, with its machine-learning algorithms and AI. Learn more about how Kameleoon helps car brands.

Travel & tourism operators make every click count

Optimize the booking process. With deals changing every minute and many UX elements, Kameleoon helps travel brands work in real time on advanced SPA websites to ensure visitors can easily find what they're looking for and book.

Customize travel offerings per acquisition channel . Marketers can target acquired travel audiences with optimized experiences based on intelligent segments and / or with their own custom data.

7 Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can I launch A / B, MVT, and split test experiments on app & web?

Yes. Unlimited. Read more here.

Can I segment tests and personalizations by acquisition channel, behavior, or location?

Yes. Kameleoon has over 40+ native segmenting criteria that allow you to target your A / B test based on any possible combination, including Kameleoon's Conversion Score ™.

Geolocation enables targeting down to zip codes.

Link Tealium , Segment , or your data management platform to use Custom Data to optimize and personalize for precise groups and cohorts.


How Does kameleoon compare against Google Optimize 360? 

Please read Is Google Optimize 360 or Kameleoon right for your business?

What's the difference between kameleoon and optimizely?

Learn Why enterprise brands are choosing Kameleoon over Optimizely.

Does Kameleoon integrate with HotJar? ContentSquare? FullStory?

Yes. Kameleoon has powerful integrations with every major heat mapping, session recording, and behavioral analytics solution. Learn more about Kameleoon's analytics integrations here .

Am I able to build an experiment with a WYSIWYG editor?

Yes, absolutely. Copy and UX changes - without any IT resources - including on advanced SPA sites, lead to powerful customer insights. Learn more about our smart graphic WYSIWYG editor here.

Can I create and launch an experiment without IT or engineering?

Yes. We do this through the smart graphic editor. Learn more about it here.

Do you have an integration with Shopify?

Yes. The Kameleoon platform integrates with brands with stores on ShopifyPlus. Learn more here.

Will the Kameleoon product team accept feature requests?

Absolutely. Once securely logged in, users can request a feature from any page on the platform, to make it easier.

“We work closely with the Kameleoon Product team to gather our feedback on the platform, and they take into account our needs to improve the platform and build new features,” says Darty UX Project Manager Julien Bizet.

Does the WYSIWYG editor work on mobile apps? Server side?

No. There is no browser for a mobile app, so all in-app testing requires a Full Stack server-side solution, where a WYSIWYG does not work.

Kameleoon serves in-app testing through its Full Stack solution. It provides one SDK per language (Android and IOS) which allows users to run app A/B tests in-app. Users can monitor performance via a dashboard and/or analytics tools through integrations. See an overview of our SDK library.

Can I preview and QA an experiment either online or on a device?

Yes. Kameleoon features a ‘simulate mode’ which clients can use to test their experiments before actually deploying them. Multiple stakeholders can view and approve tests via shareable URLs before they have been deployed.

Can Kameleoon pull events from so that I can use them as goals in experiments?

Yes. Learn about Kameleoon’s integration with Segment here.

Can I exclude users already in one test from participating in another?

Yes. This option is available as one of our 40+ native targeting criteria.

Are there multi-armed bandits to get to statistical significance quicker?

Yes. Utilize dynamic traffic allocation to obtain statistical significance more quickly.

Does Kameleoon integrate with Mixpanel?

Yes. Read more about our integration with Mixpanel on their website.

Does Kameleoon have special prices for agencies?

Kameleoon has a global agency network that services clients across industries and segments, and they do have special pricing. Please reach out to Kameleoon to find out more.

How much traffic does my site need to have for Kameleoon to make sense?

This depends on your business and average conversion rate. In B2B where conversion rates are usually high (over 5%), Kameleoon makes sense with traffic as low as 10,000 monthly Unique Visitors. B2C brands should ideally have a minimum of 75,000 monthly unique visitors.

Does Kameleoon give free trials?

No, but we consider controlled trials to validate technical integrations on a case-by-case basis. Interested brands can schedule a series of demos to verify how a test or personalization would work. Please request one here.

How easy is it to install?

With a JavaScript snippet unique to their company and account, Kameleoon customers can quickly and easily add code to the head section of their website.

Kameleoon can also be installed by UTM. Learn more about Kameleoon's implementation using Tag Manager Systems here.

See Kameleoon's documentation for detailed instructions on installation. Users can also reach out to Kameleoon for round-the-clock support, no matter where they are at [email protected]

8 How do I contact Kameleoon?

We'd love to hear from you. Contact us. Or send us an email.

Want a personalized demo? Request one here.



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Soumik Roy portrait
Soumik Roy
Business and Enterprise Technology Journalist and Editor