3 reasons you should geolocate your buyers' journey
Geographical location plays a crucial role in the behavior of a visitor. In fact, the success of a company lies on its core audience's understanding of its brand and value proposition. But, a value proposition understood and popular in France, might not be in Germany—beside the obvious language barrier.
What is geolocation?
It allows you to personalize your communication with visitors/customers depending on their location. The extent of what you can do is linked with the technology involved (GPS, IP address, …) On the web, geolocation is done through the visitor's IP address. You can determine their city from their internet access point. Then you keep track of it through cookies. We all experienced personalized and geolocated offers, be it Google's restaurant suggestions or close-by distribution points after an online purchase. This type of geolocation is becoming the norm for many companies. For online consumers though, it's expected. With a Web Personalization solution, you can adapt your content, messages, and offers depending on the city, region or country of your visitor. On the same page/URL, you could wish a "good evening" to a Londoner and "good morning to an American who just woke up. The goal is simple: a personalized and relevant experience. In this article, we'll give you 3 reasons to geolocate your buyer's journey:- building a purposeful segmentation
- presenting contextualized content
- convincing your audience
1. Building a purposeful segmentation
Thanks to new technologies, Marketing is completely different. More productive, precise, personalized but more than anything, measurable. However, Marketing at its core didn't change. Without an extensive knowledge about your audience, and a purposeful segmentation, your results will be subobtimal..To geolocate, is to know your audience better and discover who you're talking to
Geolocation is an integral part of segmentation. It allows you to do a macro-segmentation. It separates a market with a unique and differentiating criteria (region, country, sex, etc.).2. Proposing a contextualized content
Be closer to your audience … and its needs
Each region has its own behavioral specificities. A study of football, tennis, rugby and sailing popularity in France is a good example:
?Allopneus, personalization with the seasons One of our client, Allopneus, specialist, and leader of online tire sales pays close attention to the weather. The goal is to quickly present drivers with new tires when they need it. The company decided to launch a geolocated personalization campaign to raise awareness in regions where the temperature is inferior to 7°C (44.6°F) and encourage them to buy the right tires. The message was transmitted through a pop-in indicating the local temperature and reminding the security interest of winter tires. The pop-in would disappear if the temperature was superior to 7°C. [caption id="attachment_4431" align="aligncenter" width="785"]
Results: 2,9% increase in tire sales in a month.[/caption]

Once you know who to address. You need to find out what to say.
A minimalist navigation
Geolocation improves the navigation experience and establish the basis of a relationship between the visitor and the company. It also allows you to decrease friction by presenting to the visitor the information he came for.Promotions at the right time

The benefits work both ways. Your company improves its conversion rate and the visitor has content relevant to him.
? An optimized customer service There are sometimes few contacts between a company and their clients: we see it with insurances, for which it is crucial to have a thorough service proposition. They could push useful information to their clients via e-mail on mobile:
- prevention messages when the weather is bad
- share a list of licenced health professionnals in case of flu epidemic.
3. Convincing your audience
Be better understood by your clients
Quality content isn't enough. We mentionned it earlier, you shouldn't neglect the cultural dimension implied with different geographical locations. Here's an example: the way you read.
- I'm exhausted.
- I'm drinking a soda.
- I recovered a bit and resume my run.
- I'm running.
- I stop to drink a soda…
- … and die horribly.
? People consume web content differently from a country to another. Don't hesitate to multiply your personalized experiences to optimize the navigation experience of your visitors.
Spare your visitors some time
Having content personalized with geolocation also allow you to spare your visitors some time.“Time is money” Benjamin FranklinA first time visitor will only look far a few seconds to find what he came for. If he doesn't find it, he'll go back to his search engine and go to your competitors. That's why it is so important to work on the relevance of the information you present your visitors with so you can reduce the time they spend looking for it. PagesJaunes (french yellow pages, and one of our client) does this very well. Geolocation allows them to pre-fill the city field in the search and show relevant local offers.

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